vendredi 8 juillet 2016

Why am I coming to Japan ? -どうして日本に来ますか。

   Hello guys ! I wanted to write a small article about an important thing : why I am coming to Japan. Well, as I told you previously, I am travelling to Japan this year ! But, what I forgot is to tell why I do so.

 As I spoke about in my article « Apprendre la Japonais », I ''follow'' CNED japanese classes. In my opinion this organism is quite bad concerning oral practice : there isn't any direct conversation with any teacher. So that, I noticed that I wasn't really progressing, apart when I was speaking to my Japanese friends.
 I choose to officially study Japanese in high school because I wanted it to count in my Baccalauréat (in preparation of the studies I want to do) thanks to a 10-minute oral. BUT, I'm absolutely not feeling able to speak during so much time with a good Japanese...
   That is my first reason for wanting to go abroad, in the land of the rising sun : to improve my language skills.

 As a second point, obviously, I would say that I want to discover more Japan and its culture ! I will certainly write something giving you details about what exactly is interesting in this country for me.

 Thirdly, I want to assure myself that I will love living there for a while. I'm planning to go to Japan (next to Tôkyô) when I will be in university.

 As a last thing, I think that I can say that I opted for Fukuoka because, as well as it is a big and amazing city, I want to finally meet some friends living there.

 Yosh ! Now you know why I'm leaving. And you, why do you want to visit Japan ?


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