dimanche 11 septembre 2016

How am I feeling about going to Japan ?

Hello to you, Japan lovers !

   A while ago, I thought that it would be good to write an article about how I feel since I know that I am going to Japan.

   Well I think I have a deep problem with this word..., when 2016 was slowly beginning, I was deseperatly looking for a way to go to Japan before my Bac, because, I wasn't sure to be able to express myself for 10 minutes in Japanese only, and also because I absolutly wanted to see, to visit this wonderful country before going to university.
   Tôkyô or Fukuoka ? With or without homestay ? In summer or in October's holiday ? ...
   However, during all this period I felt a deep excitment ! I was comparing the different type of school I could choose, the different things I could experience.

   When I finally found Wahaha in Fukuoka, found a way to pay this travel, and, that my parents accepted to let me go on my way, I spent one entire week saying to everyone that I was going to Japan, that it was going to be wonderful, that I would visit so many things that I dreamt of.
   When I was looking at the things around me, I was picturing in my head, how it would look like if it was not a french landscape, but a japanese one. And happened a weird but so pleasant nostalgia. 

   I am not from these people who run after the American dream, I don't walk toward it at all : I turn around right away ! I hate this world of appearances, subterfuges, junk food, plastic surgery and bikinis. Obviously, all United States are not like that but I didn't find any interest to prefer going to USA than going to Japan.
   In Japan, there is a constant notion of repect of others, devotion. The Land of the rising sun is a real mix between modern and traditional, state-of-the-art buildings and quiet shrines and gardens. Respect of nature is important for them. They are not running after fast food and fat all the time. I perfectly know that this society also have a problem with sexism, or deep introversion, or even for evaluating the limits between virtual and real world sometimes, but I like it for all the values, the heritage it brings to our world.

   Anyway, as I said, this feeling lasted seven days : it was a few weeks before my exams in June. From this time, until the end of summer vacation, I had a problem to realize that I was REALLY leaving. I already sent every document that I had to and, even though I was working to make money for Japan, I couldn't feel anything but disappointment. I don't exactly know why : perhaps that' was because I wasn't doing anything related to my travel, perhaps because I still had to wait for leaving, ...

   Nonetheless, when school began again YES !, and that I had to tell my teachers that I was going to Japan soon, that I would miss classes, and that most of them were getting so happy for me, I realised that, I was happy too, and excited, and getting crazy about seeing Japan, about fulfilling my dream, about improving my Japanese skills, about gazing japanese way of life, about admire all these things (even the smaller ones) that I once saw on TV, ...

Have you ever felt like this about going to somewhere you wanted to since a really, really long time ?

Tell me in comments !

Have a nice day, and see you next week !


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