samedi 24 septembre 2016

Voyage au Japon : mes appréhensions, mes attentes

   Coucou mes petits passionnés, je m'excuse de mon retard de publication : j'ai eu un week-end et une semaine plutôt chargés !
   Je viens tout juste d'avoir un premier contact avec la famille japonaise qui m'accueillera dans, maintenant une petite dizaine de jours ! La gentillesse et la bienveillance des Japonais m'impressionnera toujours.
   J'ai également commencé à lire Las Luces de Septiembre de Carlos Ruiz Zafón en espagnol. La couverture est très attractive et j'ai hâte de me lancer enfin dans un livre en espagnol autre que Divergente. J'ai l'impression de sentir un côté un peu plus littéraire chez Zafón (ou peut-être est-ce dû à la traduction de la saga de Roth) mais, ne parlant pas espagnol vraiment couramment, je ne peux rien affirmer...

   Je vous ai déjà fait un article sur mes sentiments quant à mon prochain départ pour le Japon, mais, cet article va explorer un tout autre sujet : d'une part mes appréhensions, d'autre part, mes attentes. Deux thèmes qui évoquent d'une certaine manière le voyage en lui-même et l'immersion dans une culture aux antipodes de ma petite France.

dimanche 11 septembre 2016

How am I feeling about going to Japan ?

Hello to you, Japan lovers !

   A while ago, I thought that it would be good to write an article about how I feel since I know that I am going to Japan.

   Well I think I have a deep problem with this word..., when 2016 was slowly beginning, I was deseperatly looking for a way to go to Japan before my Bac, because, I wasn't sure to be able to express myself for 10 minutes in Japanese only, and also because I absolutly wanted to see, to visit this wonderful country before going to university.
   Tôkyô or Fukuoka ? With or without homestay ? In summer or in October's holiday ? ...
   However, during all this period I felt a deep excitment ! I was comparing the different type of school I could choose, the different things I could experience.

   When I finally found Wahaha in Fukuoka, found a way to pay this travel, and, that my parents accepted to let me go on my way, I spent one entire week saying to everyone that I was going to Japan, that it was going to be wonderful, that I would visit so many things that I dreamt of.
   When I was looking at the things around me, I was picturing in my head, how it would look like if it was not a french landscape, but a japanese one. And happened a weird but so pleasant nostalgia. 

vendredi 2 septembre 2016

Thoughts of the day - September 2nd

    Hello everyone ! How are you ?

   Yesterday was a back-to-school day. I hope, if it was the case, that you enjoyed it ! That is a time to discover new teachers, a new way to study, some philosophy also maybe, …
   A while ago, I felt like writing a « Thoughts of the day » and here we are. I am inspired, in a way : well, I realized some things that I wanted to share with you guys.

   First of all, that is a matter of future. I am currently living my last high-school year and I don't really know which study will I must choose, neither which job would be suitable to me.
   I almost always thought that I would opt for literary sector. However, I still doubt about what would interest me. I do have a deep love for writing but I know that working as a writer is impossible. Well, let's say "quite hard".
  I don't mean to give up this dream anyway, but I will focus on a more concrete type of study.
   As you already became aware of the fact that languages is pretty important to me, to not say essential, you can easily understand that I want to use them.
   The problem is contained in this small word : How ?
   Do I am going to focus on using them in a couple of disciplines; or, do I wish to study these languages, the countries they are related to history, literature ?
   For now, I don't have any answer, and that is bothering me...