lundi 25 septembre 2017

LDR – Long-Distance Relationship

   I guess a lot of people wonder what is a LDR. The acronym « LDR » means : Long-Distance Relationship.

   Ah, you got it now, right ? It’s about these people who say they are dating, despite they live miles and miles away from their lover most of the time. You know, these whose we say they are cheating on each other !
  If you still believe that it is really what these couples are, you definitely need to read this article.

 Being in a LDR is to be that much in love with someone that you consider that distance doesn’t matter, and that you are ready to wait for him/her until you both finally get to live in the same country.

   Despite the fact that this kind of relationship is one of the most beautiful and purest ones, a lot of people do critize it, don’t believe in the reality of LDR couples’ feelings, in their trust, or, they are completely misundersanding it. Some others cannot understand how it can exist, because they wouldn’t be able to live the same way.

   As someone deeply concerned by that subject, I wanted to write an article about it, to explain to the ones who can’t understand, and to give tips to the ones who are already involved in it.
   Plus, it’s been a while since I didn’t write a « Talk » !

mercredi 20 septembre 2017

50 things which surprised me when I was in Japan - Part 3

   Hello everyone ! It's been a while since I didn't write in English, isn't it ? Today, I wanted to share with you 10 supplementary things which surprised me during my trip to Japan. 

1.     Tea, tea and tea

   As a complete teaholic, I was really excited to come to Japan ! It is not a cliché : Japanese people do drink a loooot of tea. For breakfast, after your meal, in the middle of the afternoon, while eating, ... All the occasions are good to take a good cup of tea. The most famous one is green tea. Macha, Sencha, ... Japanese green teas are really tasty ! My host-mother, knowing that I really loved her tea, was filling me a bottle of hot green tea she had just made, every single day, so that I could drink it all day long.

Look at this wonderful japaneses-style teapot !